Are you happy? Did you smile yesterday? Do you smile today?
Will you smile tomorrow?
If you're not using your smile, you're like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook. * Les Giblin
The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. *Author Unknown
People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. *Lee Mildon
All men have sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out. *** Albert Camus
Start every day with a smile and get it over with. ~W.C. Fields
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. *** Albert Schweitzer.
Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. ~Jim Beggs
Peace begins with a smile. Only God knows our true needs. *Mother Teresa
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. ***Allan K. Chalmers.
~ All people smile in the same language. ~ Proverb
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. ***Anne Frank.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. ***Thich Nhat Hanh
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